Highway code rule 265, “Keep in the left lane unless overtaking.”
I’m sure other’s have experienced this, let me know in the comments if you agree, or not if you must.
So, on the motorway you are driving along at 70 overtaking a line of slower vehicles in the left lane. The motorway itself is not particularly busy. There’s a Suzuki Celery following you, matching your speed. You get past the slower traffic and there is a gap between that traffic to pull in. You pull in, as per the Highway Code. The Celery (which was happy to sit on your tail for the last 2 miles) then accelerates very slowly indeed, maybe gaining a foot or two every 10 seconds. It’s taking so long that you are coming up on a slow moving vehicle again, the previously tailing Celery is now barely alongside. You indicate you would like to pull out. The Celery is resolute that they will not do anything to help, even though the outside lane is clear and they could move over.
Rinse and repeat all day long, if you drive how the Highway Code suggests.
I tend to stay in the middle lane, unless the gap on the left is huge. Shoot me down…